
Here you will find a selection of our previous projects and assignments covering a range of scales and expertise.  Our people focussed ethos is a common and developing theme throughout our work

Community Insights - NHS Healthy New Towns Programme - Halton Lea

In the NHS Five Year Forward View, a commitment was made to dramatically improve population health as new places are built and take shape. Halton Lea is one of ten housing developments selected to rethink how health and care services can be delivered. The programme offers an opportunity to unite public health, NHS providers and commissioners, planning and housing development to plan and build healthier places.


Prosocial Place prepared and delivered  the Community Insights Engagement Programme throughout the summer of 2017, to develop a collective understanding of how the urban environment can be improved for the benefit of the local community’s health and wellbeing.  We designed and delivered five workshops with young people and adults, with a summit for key stakeholders to provide baseline insights into community need. The images below are from sessions with Hallwood Park Primary School, Ormiston Bollingbroke Academy, Adult Workshops and Stakeholder Summit.

Community Insights Report
The engagement programme generated 1,100 statements about the quality of life in Halton Lea. While health behaviours can be promoted by targeted campaigns, it is widely acknowledged that behaviour change at scale is difficult to achieve and sustain. In terms of implications for a ‘healthy new town’, a non-judgemental ethos with a clear statement of aspirations and aims would seem to be the best route to lasting change. Through a thematic analysis, we integrated these insights to deliver 12 key themes.
Prosocial 110 - Halton Lea NHS Healthy [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [5.2 MB]

Cultural Value - The Reader - Calderstones Park 

This AHRC research project focused on assessing the intrinsic value of The Reader's work with its volunteers.  Prosocial Place delivered a comparison activity within the study, working with the volunteers to develop concept plans for the integration of The Reader into the Mansion House and grounds.  


This commission gave us an opportunity to develop objective measures for the intrinsic value of culture, design and environment.  Volunteers spent six weeks in a ‘design’ study group building up ideas on the canvases below,  ​with the Concept Masterplan prepared by Prosocial Place interpreting the ideas generated by the groups  - it demonstrates the role of 'design expertise' in realising community design ideas.  See our published paper on the Place Research page - The Psychological Benefits of Cooperative Placemaking

Developing Ideas


Recently completed pilot projects in Cumbria and Northern Ireland using the Healthy High Streets Craft Kit we helped author for the Department for Communities NI in 2022